The Post Quiz: Chewing Gum
Created | Updated Mar 2, 2014
Does your chewing gum lose its flavour on the bedpost overnight?
The Post Quiz: Chewing Gum
Yum, yum, chewing gum. Your Editor is kidding. People with TMJ (temporal-mandibular joint syndrome) should not chew gum. It leads to jaw pain. The rest of you: enjoy.
What do you know about this maddeningly fun recreational non-food?
- Who invented chewing gum?
- Why were the first commercial gums pink?
- What record was set on 19 July 1994 by Susan Montgomery Williams of Fresno, California?
- Why should you chew gum while preparing food?
- Why was the 1906 product Blibber Blubber unsuccessful?
- Who spread chewing gum around the planet?
- How long does it take chewing gum to dissolve in your stomach?
- Will chewing gum make you smarter?
- Why did chewing gum become so popular in the US in the 1920s?
- What was the problem with chewing gum in the Soviet Union before 1976?
Did that give you something to chew on? Check the answers by clicking on the picture below.