A Conversation for How to Be a Perfect Mistress
Young Mistress
Yellow Started conversation Jul 13, 2011
So I am writing this on my Sony Ericsson Arc so please mind the horrible grammar and sentence structure. /
I just ended my first affair about three months and it had ended badly. It was like a ) secret friendship between a 20 year old and a 40 year old man. I met this fellow, lets call him Joe, on Lavalife. When we first met I thought he was really ugly but I was sexually aroused by him. So we had sex and it was amazing- eventually we became closer and started snuggling after the sex. We were both really hot for each other. But he soon became sexy to me and he was so successful aand funny.
It ended and I was really sad. So in order to get over it, I found another affair. With somebody 16 years older and wow. He is amazing. I really need to keep my emotions out of this one. Any similar situations?
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Young Mistress
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