The h2g2 Post 19.03.12

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 19th March 2012

Marching On

Groucho Marx.March is a jocular sort of month, you know.

Birds tweet louder. Hares jump around to impress lady hares. Squirrels act more squirrelly. Nature has had it with winter and is ready to proclaim spring, even before the calendar people get around to it.

Apparently, h2g2ers feel the same way. At least, our contributors do. Practically all they sent in this week was nuttiness. Oh, there are a few lucid gems in there, but you'll need a miner's lamp to find them. We leave you to it.

The quizzes will make your head hurt. The cartoons will make you chuckle. The puns will probably make you groan. We've left no blind alley of wit unexplored. Yes, there are flatulence jokes. There's even a toilet poem. So sue us.

The moral of this story is: if you want the tone around here to improve, send me something sensible.

In the meantime, relax and enjoy the ride. Don't feed the clowns, they bite.

Dmitri Gheorgheni




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