Hammer Throw

2 Conversations

The hammer throw is one of the eight Olympic field events. Unlike most other Olympic field events, the hammer throw is not a decathlon event. In this entry you'll find the rules, the method, the history and a few of the hammer throw experts who decided to play this most odd of Olympic sports.

The rules in this section cover the three areas of each sport. Those that describe the hammer itself, those that control each athlete's actions and any other rules that don't fit neatly into each area. Very unsurprisingly there is a reinforced cage surrounding the competitor - the hammer wouldn't just sting if it accidently hit a bystander.1

Before giving the rules, a description of the hammer must be given. A ball is attached to a thin wire which then connects to a single handle that the competitor holds onto with both hands. The relative complexity of the item means that the item is examined for far longer to prevent any form of cheating.


  • Male competitors throw a 16 pound weight while women throw a 4kg weight. The fact that the male weight is given in exact pounds while the women's is in kilograms is due to the fact that the metric system of measurement was not used globally centuries ago

  • Unlike every single other event2 competitors are allowed to use gloves to compete

  • The length of the hammer is 3 feet 11.75 inches for the male hammer and 3 feet 11 inches for the women's. The difference is due to the women's ball being smaller (due to its lighter weight)

  • The competitors must stay within their throwing circle, which has a seven foot diameter, though they may touch the inside of the circle

  • Competitors must throw the hammer within a sector of 34.92 degrees for it not to be a foul throw


The method in the hammer throw is both complex and quite lengthy. While there are some alterations, such as the number of turns (it must be between 1 and 4, but most use three turns). The method below is the appropriate modern method, but can be extremely difficult for beginners (and indeed those who have been doing it for some time) to achieve. This method is a three turn method for right-handed competitors, and they turn anti-clockwise (for left-handers, simply change directions).

  • Face and stand towards the rear of the circle, with the right foot exactly in line with the back of the circle

  • Pick up the hammer with the right hand over the left hand and bend the knees slightly

  • Rotate the hammer in an ellipsis. Only bend the elbows once the hammer approaches horizontal with the ground. Repeat this ellipsis three times to build up speed, note that the plane that is decided upon here for the hammer is used upon throughout the entire throw

  • The first turn now begins, with the competitor facing the back, and the hammer in the bottom right (from their point of view) and is swept up to 90 degrees

  • The athlete and the hammer must sweep round the front of the circle in line with each other, keeping the hands, left knee(so the left leg must be kept straight) and left foot flat

  • As the athlete rotates they must "sit" back to counteract the weight of the hammer, this is possibly the hardest part of the spin for an athlete to do, since it will feel like they are falling

  • Upon coming up to the release point (roughly two and a half spins), the right foot should be positioned slightly behind the left foot and the knees should be straightened at the point of release

  • The hammer should be released as close to 45 degrees as possible to maximise distance thrown

  • Congrats, you've successfully killed someone, crippled yourself, or perhaps, just maybe, managed to throw a hammer into a field... You might think that would be enough, yet this researcher suspects you are probably reeling on the ground, wanting to throw up. Unless you are a ballerina, you will need to learn how to "spot" yourself to not get dizzy - in short, hammer throwers fix their sight on a specific spot and move their head to keep looking at it, so that the body thinks the mad athlete is actually walking in a straight line. For an excellent description of this exact solution, have a look at this review of some IgNobel research.


Perhaps unsurprisingly, the hammer throw does not have roots in the ancient Olympics. The Greeks did not go in for using the hammer as a weapon (well at least in its thrown form, given the situations that many fought in, hammers were guaranteed to have been used). The hammer throw became an Olympic event in the second modern Olympics (1900).

Despite not being present in the ancient Olympics, the roots for hammer throwing do go back quite far. Exact timings are argued over, but the oldest possible contests would be the ancient Irish Tailteann games around 1800-1900 B.C. The design of the competition and the hammer were quite similar to today, with a weight attached to a rope. However other competitions around the time give similar methods but throwing weights without ropes.

The Celts, in different areas around Britain are credited with carrying the sport for millennia. As with before, the technique and exact item thrown vary. There are references to the Celts using the hammer as a weapon, both thrown and hand to hand. This would encourage them to practice with them and to show prowess in competitions. The fact that they would be practising battle skills means that the ball and rope technique was less likely to be used.

The next notable change in the history and apparent popularity of the hammer throw occurs with King Henry VIII having a go. The good king merely used a hammer to play the game but by the 18th century the sport was being played once again with a ball and wire.

The Experts at the Hammer

Below are a few of the expert and interesting hammer throwers both in history and in today.

Our two current world records are 86.74 metres by Yuriy Sedykh who set the record in the European Championships in West Germany in 1986. An interesting man he married a woman 100m sprinter who also got a gold medal (Yuriy has two gold medals). He is currently teaching the French hammer throwers, and holds a reserve commission in the Russian army at the rank of Major. The female record is 79.42 metres by Betty Heidler, a German, set her record more recently in Halle, in her home country. A far more recent record then Yuriy's, it was set on the 21st of May, 2011. Still competing internationally, it is quite possible that she will beat her own record in the near future.

There have been vast increases in the distances recorded in the men's hammer throw, since it started to be competed in the Olympics in 1900. John Flanagan from the United States threw the hammer 51.01 metres - the current Olympic record for men is 84.44 metres (still notably below the world record) in Sergey Litinov from Russian in 1988. Olympic records for the women's hammer throw have only had three Olympics to progress, and no new Olympic record was set in 2008. In 2000 Kamila Skolimowska from Poland set the inaugural record with a personal best of 71.16 metres. In 2004 this was beaten by Olga Kuzenkova from Russia in Athens with a throw of 75.02 metres.

Interesting Facts

There should be lots of interesting facts then about the other Olympic field sports, in fact, every researcher can probably provide a couple of amusing or brilliant stories about the hammer.3 An event which is built about a ubiquitous tool, especially since the competitors play with the sledgehammer version, should be ripe for some stories, but this researcher has tried, mournfully, to limit themselves to facts about the hammer throw itself and leave the hilarity to readers to provide themselves.

We know that King Henry VIII was a fan of the old hammer throw, but it seems that Queen Elizabeth also tried her hands at it. We don't know if she was any good, whether she competed in all those long dresses, whether she beheaded anyone who dared to beat her4 but it was popular at the time, while of course this was a male pastime good old Queen Liz was never one to let any man show they could do anything better than she could.

Hopefully you have not only read the comment about hammer throwers being inside an enclosure to protect bystanders but also agreed that it is smart and if you really must have a go at this odd sport you will cage yourself appropriately. However the Olympic stewards have to be able to watch the throw. The Hammer throw is the only sport where they are told to "stand well back, and stay at a distance...away from the hammer". You would think that this would be obvious but apparently we have nearly lost several of our stewards in the last century.

So, you've heard about the hammer throw, you've seen what you have to do; you've even heard about the madness of those involved and those watching. Nevertheless, this intriguing sport makes an excellent challenge for those looking for one...remember if never try...you're probably smarter than the rest of us, good luck.

You honestly think that spies spend their time stealing country's state secrets? Pah! Instead of seeing which countries he should invade during world war 2 Hitler ordered secret camera footage to be taken of the Irish hammer throwers before the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. The Irish were such world leaders in the sport that it appears that he sent Leni Riefenstahl, a propaganda film director. In the 1936 Olympics German athletes took both the gold and silver medals, setting a new Olympic record - so it would appear Hitler was right in his decision, although the Irish themselves failed to even make it to the finals.

1Unless you enjoy casually breaking multiple bones2To be fair, this actually relates to events where grip is important, like throwing events or gymnastics - gloves are permitted in dressage and similar3Please feel free to post any excellent stories, links and pictures are more than welcome, enjoy4She could have just thrown her hammer at them if beheading was too tedious

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