The AWW Poets' Olympic Haiku Challenge
Created | Updated Dec 30, 2011
The geniuses over at the Alternative Writing Workshop have done it again – come up with the perfect Olympic challenge.
We give it a 10.
The AWW Poets' Olympic Haiku Challenge
It's all very well for athletes to look forward to the Olympics, but what about the couch potatoes amongst us? You should probably be taking up jogging, or jumping, or judo, but we at h2g2 like to appeal to a broad audience (and I say broad advisedly). So, we've decided to mount a poetry challenge or poetry-thon.
The aim is to collect as many haikus about sport as possible. If you've forgotten, a haiku is a three-line poem of Japanese origin. The first line has five syllables, the second seven and the third five. Each haiku should describe a sport of your choice, and it would be wonderful if we could cover all the Olympic sports between us. It is not as easy as it sounds to write a haiku, as it should consist of the most precise and vivid image you can produce. Here are two of mine to start with, but I'm sure you can do better.
Add your haiku to the thread at the bottom of this page. Either tell us which sport you've picked, or let us guess.
Poetry and Stories by minorvogonpoet Archive