H2G2 Leaving The BBC Soon!

3 Conversations

Robbie Stamp on behalf of Not Panicking Ltd signing the contract

Updated 31st August 2011

UPDATE: Contract Signed 31st August, 2011

Great news - we've done it! The contract has now been signed. The three joint bidders have formed a new company called Not Panicking Ltd and they are now the proud new owners of H2G2. Congratulations!

Just to reiterate: Although H2G2 is now legally in new hands, the BBC has agreed to run the site for one more month from today (31st August 2011), the day the contract was signed. This is just to enable the new owners to set the site up on their own technical infrastructure. During this month, normal BBC editorial and moderations rules will still apply.

For those of you who have just joined or who have been hiding away, here are a couple of links to some earlier announcements we made that will give you a bit of background info on the H2G2 move and also on the site's new owners:

We will of course keep you up-to-date with developments during this final transition period. In the next month, we hope to provide you with a link to the new H2G2 url plus the new owners' terms and conditions.

Once again, congratulations to Not Panicking Ltd - Robbie Stamp, Brian and Alyson Larholm, the h2g2 Community Consortium - on a successful bid. We're definitely not panicking now.

All the best,

H2G2 Editors

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