A Conversation for Docucomedy - the Life of Dave Gorman

Danny Wallace : evil Mastermind or placid monkey?

Post 1


Yes, I do believe that Dave Gorman is a mere puppet in the hands of one Danny Wallace. The evil mastermind is not only friends with said funny man, but, as anyone who listens to talkSPORT radio knows, he is also a friend of one witty radio host known as Ian Collins. Just how many has Mister Wallace in his collective harem of funny men?

Ian Collins (in his thirties but of no specific age I believe) has worked for talkSPORT (formerly known as TalkRadio) for around 7 years. First hosting "Ian Collins and the Creatures of the Night" during the wee hours of the week, he now presents "Ian Collins : Unbranded" on the weekend. And I hope he never leaves. However, it does seem like Danny Wallace is an evil influence. Not only does he inspire Dave Gorman into wacky feats and bets that could potentially ruin his life, but many a time have I heard shennanighans repeated by Mister Collins that suspiciously involve Mister Wallace. One included a drinking binge early in the morning, that ended up with Ian bent over Danny's toilet and then passing out. Now I'm sure if I had a better memory, then I would be able to remember more details.

However, the data I have (not so) carefully collected, only leads me to be suspicious about the very nature of this alleged "Benevolent" force of Mister Danny Wallace. For once such "innocent" man, he does seem to get involved in some wacky behaviour.

I also have reason to believe that he stole Ian Collins' "Triangle of Death" (reserved for those oh-so-interesting late night callers) melted it down, and gave it to Dave Gorman in the form of the Triangle's of Gloom, and alternately Delight.

Innocent? Methinks not. For I believe Danny Wallace is an evil puppetmaster, hellbent on ruling the comedy waves.

Death to he!

smiley - devil

By the way, you can catch talkSPORT on 1053-1089 AM...if you want to hear Ian Collins...Friday-Sunday nights @10pm.

Danny Wallace : evil Mastermind or placid monkey?

Post 2

binky the doormat

Danny Wallace - in a word - "Manipulative"

Danny Wallace : evil Mastermind or placid monkey?

Post 3


Or "crafty"

BTW : did you know that Binky the CLOWN was an extremely scary clown in the animated series of "Garfield and Friends"?

smiley - devil

Danny Wallace : evil Mastermind or placid monkey?

Post 4


Well, Danny clearly can't be held responsible for either 'Reasons to be Cheerful' or 'Better World' - he hadn't met Dave by that point. Actually, thinking about it, maybe he had. The book of 'Are you Dave Gorman?' states that they met in a pub one night in Edinburgh during the festival month, so it's likely that Dave met him during the run of one of those shows.

However that was just a one-off meeting their 'working' relationship didn't being until Dave and Danny began sharing a flat.

Danny gives the impression at he was pulled around a lot for the namesake search, but I think he was trying to manipulate by the end. And became co-writer for the stage show, TV show, and book.

For IAE he was in at the start, it was equally his idea as Dave's, I think.

Would write more --------------------- but there's no time!


Danny Wallace : evil Mastermind or placid monkey?

Post 5


I don't trust him. He's a shifty looking monkey.

Have you ever caught Ian Collins? Remarkable man. But under the spell of Danny Wallace.

Perhaps I should form a Danny Wallace conspiracy theory team. We could hunt him down and force him to reveal the nature of his comedy-finger-in-the-pie precense...

smiley - rose

Danny Wallace : evil Mastermind or placid monkey?

Post 6

binky the doormat

actually saturnine i'd forgotten that lol

if you want to know where the name came from, I suggest you try entering it into a search engine (e.g. google) and seeing which bands come up.............

oh - and about that group - count me in

smiley - ok

Danny Wallace : evil Mastermind or placid monkey?

Post 7


Well in that case, if it's a band name, I'd rather not. Scary-ness. Or pop-comedy-punk. Or a one man band...

Ok. So we have two people in the Danny Wallace Conspiracy Team...

Who else?

smiley - rose

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