A Conversation for Dealing with Harassment at Work
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Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police Started conversation Feb 22, 2003
Wow, thanks HooToo
In the words of a Kim Larsen song "Du er ikke Alene" ('You're never on your own')
No, it's NOT a translation of "Youll Never Walk Again ... Alone
" (Liverpool Supporters song)
The company I work for is Anerican owned, European HO is in Germany.
Three people who asked around to see if there were enough people interested in establishing a Union here were soon after dismissed (though proving WHY would be next to impossible, it's too coincidental for my liking)
The biggest bully is a non-UK national
My options are extremely limited, and it's more than likely I'll be joining the large number of colleagues who have already left - the staff turnover rate has been really worrying in recent months
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