A Conversation for Dealing with Harassment at Work
Different kinds of harrassment
skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires Started conversation Feb 2, 2003
At the moment, im working in a big office. The harrassment I'm suffering from doesn't come from the "big boss", it comes from the HR lady, just for the reason she is offended that it wasn't her who employed me. She's doing the same thing with two other colleagues of mine. I already got two warnings from her for silly reasons and I'm looking for a new job now.
Things went a different way in the first office I was working at. My boss was quite a good friend of mine before I started to work there and at first everything went brilliant. But during the years (I was working there for 11 1/2 years) it turned out that we were too close - the arguments we went through seemed a bit like an old couple's arguments, not fighting about job matters, but about very personal things. When I quit, it felt more like a divorce than a dismissal... From that I learned that there should be at least a bit of a distance between you and your boss.
Different kinds of harrassment
Buzz Lightyear: Getting Ever Warmer Posted Feb 5, 2003
In summary, one definition of harassment I have found is "to irritate or torment persistently." Something that impedes your satisfaction in the job & makes you feel uncomfortable around your colleagues and generally in the work environment.
If it takes place over a long period of time, often it can be useful to keep note of the various incidences as evidence in case it develops (i.e. to industrial tribunal or court etc ). Hopefully changing job could be avoided as a last resort (particularly if it's your
) as it may signify that the
tormentor notches up a victory.
Come to think of it, this might bear similarities to school intimidating but superimposed on the workplace: possibly petty, frustrating, inexplicable, tedious, irrational, scary...[insert appropriate adjective here as applicable
Remember: don't let the beg**rs grind you down!
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Different kinds of harrassment
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