Somewhere Under the Rainbow

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The Rainbow Flag

'I was 22 [when I arrived in Hollywood]. That was 1948. I had more

action than Mount Vesuvius. Men, women, children. Animals! I loved it, too. ... I participated

where I wanted to, and I didn't where I didn't. ... I've always been open about it. I

couldn't be any other way. I've never allowed that to inflict me, and I don't even like

movies that have homosexuality and heterosexuality as a theme. I don't feel it's necessary.

You tell the story as the story is. You don't have to inflict on it your opinions. You see, I

don't like to use the word 'gay' because gay is a word in the dictionary that means happy

and thoughtful, and I think we're using that word out of context, although it represents

what we feel like. But I still don't like to use that word in describing all of us. I want to be

very straight and honest with everybody. You know, I don't see any reason why not. Aren't

we allowed to have privilege of choice?

-- Actor Tony Curtis

Gay turn off

The autumn schedules have been announced in the USA and the bad news is that the

presence of gay and bisexual characters has fallen.

Shows cancelled for this season include Spin City, Felicity and The Education of Max

Bickford all of which featured a gay character and That 80s Show which along with the

Education of Max Bickford also features a bi-sexual and transgender character

respectively. Only six shows this autumn will feature a regular lesbigay character on

network television Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dawson's Creek, E.R., NYPD Blue, Will and

Grace and the premiering MDs. After years of steady progress in gaining visibly

acceptance on mainstream TV and films the decision appears to be made that gay characters

are no longer needed in new shows.

The shows left only feature 7 lesbigay characters and all are white. Last year there

were 20 such characters on the networks. The figures of course do not include the cable

shows such as Queer as Folk, Six Feet Under and Sex and the City which remain popular

through other means with their diverse characters.

Numbers are not the issue the fact that for a number of years now gay characters have

been accepted as characters who happen to be gay has been great for the lesbigay

community. Hopefully in future years more will appear in other shows as a sign of how

acceptable all lifestyles have now become.

Gay Pride on Ice

So you’ve heard about Mardi Gras in Sydney, Gay Pride in New York and the Love

Parade in Berlin how about cooling it down a little ismarah

has written an article on Her Experience in the Reykjavik Gay

Pride 2002
. So find out all about the Sister Act that was going on as the 20-25

floats celebrated being ‘Gay all Over’ in Iceland’s capital city.

The Somewhere Under the Rainbow



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