The h2g2 Armed Services

2 Conversations


So far in its long existance, the state of h2g2 has been without any form of defence against its foes1. No longer, h2g2 now has its very own defence services to protect its precious citizens from evil forces both within and without.

Divided up into four branches -- army, navy, airforce and Thingite Special Forces -- h2g2 armed services is ideally equipped to protect the Guide from all those who would do us wrong. Its a... something's life in the h2g2 armed services.

Members of the h2g2 Armed Services

  • U28269 - Head of Defence (all branches) wearing a black robe and cloak with a silver omega clasp.
  • U113478 - Hedge Ninja (Thingite Special Forces) wearing an all-in one black jump-suit with a naty little hood and a twig for camoflage.

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Join the h2g2 Armed Services and prove yourself a... a.. something. Training begins immediately for each of the branches2 of the defence forces in the forum below.

I want to join the h2g2 Armed Services.

Usernumber: Uxxxxxxx
Branch: Army/Navy/Airforce
1E2 being just one of many who would invade2Except Special Forces for which you must be handpicked as the best of the best

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