The h2g2 Poem

2 Conversations

I am beginning to wonder if the question is not when I will get this guy out of my system, but whether I ever will. I do know that I could not sustain a relationship with him any more. But it is abundantly clear that he has left his footprints across my life.

My only hope, vicious and revengeful though it may be, and which seems justified from our conversation is that I have left mine across his too.

For the record, this poem was written following a long telephone conversation which took place the day after I met his new girl-friend for the first time.

A difficult meeting for all three of us. But oh, how f*****g civilised we all were about it.

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

Too much.

In every way.

Imagine that you love someone

with your heart,

and your body,

and your soul.

Imagine that your greatest fear is being without them.

Imagine that they tell you that they do not love you any more.

And then:

Imagine that they tell you that their decision was a mistake,

it was hasty,

that they did not realise the truth of the matter.

But that too much has changed since it was taken

for either of you to go back again.

18th August 2002

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

Poetry and Prose


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