Somewhere Under the Rainbow
Created | Updated Aug 21, 2002
America will accept but will sport
A recent opinion survey, carried out for Harris Interactive, suggests that public acceptance of openly gay or lesbian professional athletes in America are generally favourable. In the online poll of
2191 people 65% said they would not feel differently about their favourite sportsperson if they were to reveal they were either gay or lesbian.
However in a supplementary question 78% believed that other sports fans would not be so tolerant. Which may encourage gay sportspeople to maintain their closet status for fear not just of changing room jibes from team mates but an adverse reaction from the fans in the stands.
However the poll also revealed that a player taking such a step would be seen as honest, courageous and being himself from responses that were given. But the feeling was that members of individual sports would be more easily accepted than those in team sports.
This is reflected by reality no Major League Baseball star is openly gay and only two stars have come out since they retired from the sport. Glen Burke, who played outfield for the Dodgers and the A's, came out after he retired from the game in 1982, he died of AIDS in 1995. Billy Bean, who played in the majors for the Tigers, Dodgers, Padres until 1995, also came out on leaving the game. He said 'it would've been "suicide" to come out while still in the
If you have any anecdotes which might help an M2M2 based article make it through peer review on this issue check out Being a gay sportsperson and help improve the article.
Announcements of Gay Weddings
Following the recent announcement that gay weddings in other areas of the states which recognise such unions would be recognised in New York, even though none would be carried out in the state yet. Only Vermont allows such ceremonies in the US but with full marriage being allowed in the Netherlands and a recognised registry in California, Canada, Germany and parts of the United Kingdom the need is there not to discriminate against people who have their relationships
recognised elsewhere.
As a result of this recognition of the partner by the state the New York Times has announced that from September it will be printed alongside heterosexual marriages on their announcement page. The paper's motto 'all the news that's fit to print' must make this announcement a kick in the teeth for America's vocal conservatives, but for such an esteemed publication to take this step.
We Need You
If you think you can contribute to 'Somewhere Under the Rainbow' then post details of a suitable story to the M2M2 News Centre. We have already used every story that's been posted there, so let us know what is happening under your segment of the rainbow; after all I can't read the gay press in every corner of the world.
There will be no post next week due to the Post staff taking a well earned rest and the follow week I am attempted to make arrangements for a guest reporter to bring you this column while I
am taking a well earned vacation myself.
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