A Conversation for Shergar - Racehorse
Researcher 219098 Started conversation Feb 12, 2003
Lifson Kofie Posted Feb 13, 2003
Hi there, and welcome to the h2g2 community!
My name is Lifson and I am a geek. I'm also an ACE. ACE stands for Assistant Community Editor, and we're here to sort out all your little problems on h2g2. Also look out for the Gurus. They are here to sort out your bigger problems!!! To find an ACE or Guru, click on the "Who's Online" button at the side of the screen (in Classic Goo - across the top in Alablaster!), and most will have it as part of their names if they are one!
I noticed that you haven't put anything on your Personal Space yet. You might want to put something up there so that people can come over and talk to you. You will probably be using Brunel, the default skin for h2g2 - so if you look at the menu on the left, hit "My Space". Then when you're there, look below your conversations, your journal and your friends list, and you'll see your 'space' with "Edit Page" near the top of it on the right. Just click on this, and write some things about yourself. Who you are, where you come from, and what you are interested in perhaps? Go have a look at my space, U176378, if you're stuck.
Another thing is that you might not want to use capitals so much. On h2g2 that's generally considered to be "shouting" and sometimes gets people upset. Just a friendly tip.
Also check out the special smileys...
Click on one to teleport over to the page with all the smileys on - for these are but a few!!!
Also, check out the pages for the H2G2 staff (http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/team) and for the all the people in the volunteer schemes (ACES, Gurus etc.) (http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/volunteers). The full-time staff are generally known as the italics, because their names appear in italics in the "Who's Online" pop-up. That way, if you want to ask them a question, you know you are getting a member of staff, not someone pretending!!!
Just reply to this message, or drop into my personal space for a and
s if you need a hand with anything (or even if you don't!) and you'll always receive a warm welcome! If you need talking thought something - e-mail me at [email protected] and I'll be over to help quicker than IBM can get to a Computer Science graduate!
All the best, and happy hitchhiking!
Hi back at you...
Jimi X Posted Feb 13, 2003
Welcome Researcher 219098!
It's always interesting to find out how people arrive here at h2g2...
...did you find us through a web search for information about Shergar? Or were you here a while and posted here first?
Either way, I'm sure you'll find lots of interesting stuff around the place! If you'd like to give yourself a more catchy name than Researcher 219098, you can change it in your Preferences over there on the left.
Being a Yank, I'd never heard of Shergar before reading this entry and I must say it was one of the wildest things I'd ever heard about Horse Racing! What a bizarre story!
I'm sure the author is gratified that you liked his work. Perhaps you'd like to write something of your own?
That's really the whole point of the place - sharing your 'unconventional knowledge' with a worldwide audience here on h2g2. If you'd like to learn more about the Guide and what it's all about do check out the Tour at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/DontPanic-Tour
Again, welcome to the Guide and I hope you enjoy your stay!
- Jimi X
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