
1 Conversation

Coincidence- flint & Phil Harding
Time Team In Greenwich Park July 1999
Napiform - Since 1st unleashing this article as a way of remarking on the odds against everyday coincidences
ever happening, illustrated with an a few paragraphs about Phil Harding "flint knapper". Time Team has come to
Greenwich UK (My home town).
Now 16th August (Dead Elvis week) Napiform is word of the day.
Tony Robinson Time
Team Presenter is known and fondly remembered by many English TV viewers as Baldrick, man servant and
companion to the obnoxious "black Adder" (played by Rowan Atkinson") in the the various Black
Adder comedy series. Now Baldrick, who was several bricks short of a load, even if he always had a cunning plan to
save his master, has only one love in life - turnips - he was besoted by all things napiform - He would, given the chance
, and on one occasion came close too, swap the crown jewels of England for a turnip.

How about that for synchronicity with a vengence. !!!!

Sychronicity -- Is this the natural raw fuel for the infinite improbability drive?

You know the sort of thing . You think of some one you lost track of ten years ago

And Hey Presto

You literally bump into them, at a place neither of you would normally be seen dead at.


A word you have to look up because you have never heard of it before, suddenly confronts you from 50 year old magazines , a 60's horror movie and a personel e-mail -- All on the same day

Talk about probability !!!!

And again ---- One day last week I get e-mail from the States ---- re:Stonehenge and druids. --- Next day an English Person IM's for a chat about photography -- Has lots of pictures of Stonehenge & other ancient sites. And has a home page proclaiming Paganism as a current religion.

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Infinite Improbability Drive

Infinite Improbability Drive

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