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<scientist>This is a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet. Each day's menu supplies 1000 calories.

Each day you are also allowed half a pint of skimmed milk/a third of a pint of semi-skimmed milk on top of any used in the menus.

You may drink as much tea & coffee (using the milk from your allowance or if you drink your tea/coffee black then as much as you like-as long as you either skip sugar or use low calorie artificial sweetners) and low calorie soft drinks as you like.<oj>

You must weigh all your foods-no guessing allowed.<cry><blush>

*DAY ONE* <crisps>

Breakfast: 1 cup of corn flakes with half a cup of skimmed milk.

Lunch: sandwich made from 1 and a half oz of Wholemeal Bread, 2 oz cheese and as much sliced cucumber as you like.

Dinner: 6 oz mashed potato, 4 oz broccoli, 6 oz chicken breast and a tablespoon of corn relish.

1 small orange. 1 level tablespoon of raisins and 5 oz of low fat yoghurt mixed together.

**DAY TWO** <corncob>

Breakfast: 1 poached egg, 1 slice of wholemeal toast with a scraping of low fat spread.

Lunch: 1 slice of wholemeal Bread, spread with 1 level tablespoon of cheese spread, and topped with a sliced tomato.

1 Medium apple.

Dinner: 2 Bacon/Ham steaks, 2 pineapple rings (in Juice) 4 oz sweetcorn. 2 oz mushrooms.

5 oz natural yoghurt.

***DAY THREE***<choc>

Breakfast: half grapefruit (use artificial sweetner if needed) 1 cup bran flakes with half a cup of skimmed milk.

Lunch: 8 oz can of Baked Beans, 1 slice of toasted wholemeal bread.

Dinner: 5 oz lamb chop(remove fat) mint sauce, 4 oz vegetables, 4 oz potato.

1 small choc ice.

****DAY FOUR****<toffeeapple>

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 2 low-calorie crispbreads, with a scraping of low fat spread.

Lunch: sandwich made from 1 slice wholemeal bread, 1 level tablespoon of cheese spread, 1 oz of lean cooked ham and 1 sliced tomato.

1 small peach or pear.

Dinner: 6 oz cod in sauce (butter, cheese or parsley sauce) 4 oz peas, 4 oz sweetcorn.

2 oz vanilla ice cream

*****DAY FIVE*****<porkpie>

Breakfast: 3 rashers of bacon-grilled, 2 tomatos, I slice of Wholemeal bread.

Lunch: small can of ravioli, topped with half an oz of cheese and breadcrumbs-bake in the oven or under a grill.

Dinner: 6 oz pork chop, 4 oz brussel sprouts, 4 oz carrots.

1 medium size pear.
******DAY SIX******<strawberries>

Breakfast: same as day 4

Lunch: 10 oz can of low calorie soup, I crispbread with I triangle of cheese and 1 tablespoon of pickle.

Dinner: same as day 3

*******DAY SEVEN*******<cheesecake>

Breakfast: same as Day 5

Lunch: sandwich made from 2 oz cooked chicken (lean meat, no skin) sliced cucumber, 1 tablespoon of salad dressing and one slice of wholmeal bread.

1 medium size pear.

Dinner: 4 oz roast lamb, 4 oz cabbage, mint sauce, 4 oz carrots, 4 oz potato & a small amount of fat free gravy.
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