A Conversation for Gentleman's Agreement - the Book and Film
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aka Bel - A87832164 Started conversation Apr 18, 2011
I see it's on the FP finally. I never managed to watch the film, but it is absolutely fascinating.
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clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Apr 20, 2011
Well done, very easy to read and incredibly informative!
The film is not only difficult to find here but it's seldom on the *late show* line up. That could be because of it's age and the difficulty to describe it in a TV Guide style *blurb* on signal providers but it*s interesting to note that as a long time viewer of stations like *Turner Classic Movies* (which specialises in older films), I've never seen it play.
TCM originates from Atlanta, Georgia.
Things that make you go- hmmmmm.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Apr 20, 2011
I swear I saw it on TCM once, but you're right, they don't show it enough. They ran 'Pinky' once, late at night...if you keep a sharp eye on them, they'll run the 'sensitive' stuff. But not as often as the stuff that makes you cringe.
A year or so ago, I believe they had a special night for 'ethnic groups in cinema', or some equally lame title.
Can you get Netflix in Canada? That's a great source for seldom-seen films.
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clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Apr 20, 2011
Netflix, aye. It*s part of a long term battle between our media moderator (CRTC) and the *Canadian Content* networks.
I*m going to check my iPod TCM app for more films, thanks!
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Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Apr 21, 2011
Aha. Politics.
with finding the film, then! It's worth it. (Oh, and a plug for the novel to all and sundry, we got our copy at alibris for a few bucks.)
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