The Post Top Ten
Created | Updated Jun 14, 2002
The Post Top Ten
So here it is, the very first Top Ten list, and the one you have (hopefully) all been waiting for as summed up by The Post researchers. A big thank you to all those who wrote in with their lists.
Look out next week, for a new Top Ten to vote upon, if you have a subject that you think would make a good Top Ten, then let me know at Greebo, remembering to include your name and researcher number.
Books written by Douglas Adams
- The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
- The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
- So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish
- Life, the Universe and Everything
- Last Chance to See
- Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
- The Meaning of Liff
- The Salmon of Doubt
- Mostly Harmless
- The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul
Some of the replies received last week, thank you all for sending them in.
Top Five by Awix
- Last Chance To See - 'Because it's ace and says some important things in a frivolous way.'
'You know, it gets very difficult after number one. I haven't read Salmon or Teatime yet, and I'm never going to like Dirk Gently as the plot is heavily plagiarised from other less well known writers, so, after a bit of thought...' - Restaurant at the End of the Universe - 'As it's a clever adaptation of the radio scripts '
- Life, the Universe and Everything - 'Cos it's clever and started life as a Doctor Who script'
- The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy - 'It would've come higher had it had a proper ending. Still, one of the sacred texts of my passage from childhood to adolescence.'
- So Long and Thanks for All the Fish - 'Maybe this should go higher up. It certainly shows DNA's increasing maturity as a writer and keen-ness to move on to new challenges.'
...And Now For Something Completely Different
Well not exactly different, I just thought that some of the comments about the various books were so great that they deserved their own Top Five, so without further ado, The Post gives you
'The Post Readers Top Five DNA Book Comments'.
- Jack A on The Meaning of Liff - 'Because it made me laugh so hard that tea came out of my nose (grim!).'
- Rupert the Observer on Life, the Universe and Everything - 'Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged, a dude with a true mission. Just got to love him!'
- Jack A on The Salmon of Doubt -
'Because I have not finished it yet so there is still the element of surprise.' - DoctorMO on The Meaning of Liff - 'Some of the funniest things in the world are printed here.'
- Rupert the Observer on The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy - 'I think it was one of the first books that made me laugh so hard tears were coming out of my eyes.'