A Conversation for 'Scattergood Baines' - the Book
My childhood favorite!
Delighted_Puzzler Started conversation Jan 13, 2007
As a child, when I was too sick to read myself, I'd ask my mother to read aloud to me - usually this book, which I still have. It was 40 years later before I found out it had been a popular radio show and the inspiration for at least 6 movies in the early 1940's. I gather that the book's chapters were first published as a serial in magazines, as early as the 1910's.
The copy of the book that I have is dated 1921, but given that it includes what appears to be a photograph from one of the movies, it was probably actually published in the 1940's or 1950's. The full text of the book is now available on-line through Project Gutenberg.
Apparently, there was a much later sequel called, "Scattergood Baines Returns", so if you know anything about that one, please reply. Project Gutenberg does NOT appear to have that one on-line.
There's a good article about the author (with photos) at http://www.collecting-old-magazines.com/clarence-budington-kelland.html
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My childhood favorite!
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