A Conversation for David Dickinson - TV Star

A Very Interesting Piece, Slightly Older Than Appears, And Prone To Be Over Priced

Post 1

Dazza Oxford

I read with interest the article on this antiques presenter/all round good egg. However I am slightly sceptical as to how he can be considered worthy of such exaltation, "Controversial hack" I hear you cry, well maybe so. However as a presenter I find him (which is the problem I suppose) as unusual as a very unusual 'bobby dazzler', if he could sing, tap dance, tell jokes or even hand glide whilst carrying an 17th century tall boy and whistling 'Up Up & Away' then I could understand his jolly entertainer value, as he can do none of these things and generally has a following (rather like a drunken conga line that seemed good, at the time) then I can't for the multi coloured reading glasses and bouffant hair life of me wonder how he's achieving such hero worship. Still maybe we will all see the secret to his success one day and join the pink team down at the "Oction", until then we must hope that all television talent isn't as cheap as chips smiley - smiley

A Very Interesting Piece, Slightly Older Than Appears, And Prone To Be Over Priced

Post 2



you obviously haven't watched enough bargain hunt to see David at his multi-faceted best.

There's much more to him than big hair and reading glasses.
smiley - cool

A Very Interesting Piece, Slightly Older Than Appears, And Prone To Be Over Priced

Post 3

Dazza Oxford

Actually I do find him quite entertaining and very much enjoyed your piece, a real treasure smiley - smiley

A Very Interesting Piece, Slightly Older Than Appears, And Prone To Be Over Priced

Post 4


Thank you M'Dear! she said-peering over non-existant reading glasses! lol!

smiley - hug

A Very Interesting Piece, Slightly Older Than Appears, And Prone To Be Over Priced

Post 5

Empress of Blandings

It is great! I really resent having to go to work, because this means I don't get my daily fix.

Though I have heard a rumour that they are going to be moving it to a evening slot. Perhaps it will be a celebrity special!

A Very Interesting Piece, Slightly Older Than Appears, And Prone To Be Over Priced

Post 6


There is two be two series-the usual day time one, and an evening one with a budget of £500 apparently-should be on our screens soon.

As for celebrity specials-over on the BBC Bargain Hunt message board-certain people keep dropping hints! smiley - smiley

happy viewing!

Do you fancy the Duke?

Post 7


The Duke, is such a great personality exactly because he doesnt conform to your standard presenter qualities. He has become, and rightly so, a cult item because of his outlandish ideas and styles, he has taken the adoration of the nation, because of so many (many) people who are younger than him, look up to his wholesome ideas of good clean fun.

A vote for the Duke is a vote for righteousness.


Do you fancy the Duke?

Post 8


The Duke, is such a great personality exactly because he doesnt conform to your standard presenter qualities. He has become, and rightly so, a cult item because of his outlandish ideas and styles, he has taken the adoration of the nation, because of so many (many) people who are younger than him, look up to his wholesome ideas of good clean fun.

A vote for the Duke is a vote for righteousness.


Oo-er! what a question!

Post 9


Ah-dear Foobie-how right you are!

now`why don't you take yourself to the h2g2 David Dickinson club-thingy and make yourself a member-that way you can keep up to date with rumblings and ramblings about the divine David.

just ask to be a member!

smiley - bubblysmiley - smiley

Oo-er! what a question!

Post 10

Empress of Blandings

I saw an old episode of Lovejoy last night! The similarities were quite stunning. smiley - smiley

Oo-er! what a question!

Post 11


Oh yes!

David is a Jumbo sized slice of Lovejoy!

even down to the dodgy past! smiley - thiefsmiley - laugh

Oo-er! what a question!

Post 12

Fate Amenable To Change

DD deserves all due praise but you neglected to mention his creaking fliration with all the ladieeez, ("What we have here is a French Letter," wink to camera, "I'll rephrase that.") And his multi coloured reading glasses (a bit Timmy Mallet, david). The mans a star.

Oo-er! what a question!

Post 13



But if you read my introduction to the h2g2 David Dickinson fan club, you get a little more of that-I was trying (very trying) to keep this article sane.

Very difficult when you are talking about shomeone ash shtrange ash DD.

Of course you have all voted for
BH/DD in the national television
awards haven't you? smiley - laugh

Oo-er! what a question!

Post 14


Look! Look! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/tv_and_radio/2174652.stm

Oo-er! what a question!

Post 15

Fate Amenable To Change

how fabulous!

Oo-er! what a question!

Post 16


Anyone heard of the channel 4 show "My First TV"? 'cos David D is to appear on it soon...


Post 17

Researcher 209517

can someone please tell me when david dickinsons birthday is? i need to know so that my friends and myself can commemorate it. i love him! please tell mee

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