Mostly Harmless MC - Stories and Poetry

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Man riding a motorbike

Short stories and poetry contributed by members of A724312.


- Ralph, The Janitor

Road Conditions

And for more Road Conditions click here

- Outrider...

Flick of the wrist!
- Outrider takes riding to work to a whole new level


My mistress calls me,

She whispers sweet and low.

"Come on, you know you want to.

It's time for us to go!

Your kids are grown and gone,

Your wants and needs are few.

You know I'll satisfy you

Better than sitting home can do

Yes, I see the things you own,

But tell me and tell me true

If you just can't bear to leave your things

Isn't it they that own you?

Through all these years I've waited,

Wasting my time it seems.

While you've been busy chasing

Those other silly dreams.

Though you've flirted with me often," she says

"There's so much more that I could give.

I'm tired of this." she says

"I don't want another 'stolen' day.

Put on your gear, roll out your bike,

And come with me to stay!"

Can you guess my mistress?

Can you guess at all?

It's the open road, and my own soul

That's giving me this call!

- Contributed by Ralph, the Janitor

Road Conditions - A collection of thread poetry


My scooter it don't run so good

On the muddy ground down by the wood

And it don't move so grand

When plowing through sand

But on pavement it goes like it should


The yogabike runs like a top

Through the curves past a fifteen foot drop

Cruising along

Singing a song

With no pressing reason to stop


A long stretch of highway ahead

Forty miles away from my bed

It's cooling off some

And my coat's safe at home

And I'm sure my wife's waiting there mad


A thread full of limericks is nice

Much better than riding on ice

If you find you are tired

On coffee get wired

Stand up and spin around thrice


My sportster is dirty and red

A sweaty dew rag on my head

Glasses and leather

Cool autumn weather

And a coffee shop four miles ahead


The yogabike looks kind of weird

Sometimes the children get scared

When it flexes and bends

And on its head stands

Is when it's particularly feared


Another one's coming, I feel

A poem of riding two wheel

In the beautiful summer

When nothing's a bummer

If your cruising on rubber and steel


Rain stopped, it's starting to sun

Time to make a short run

Into town for a hour

Three laps 'round the tower

And head back to where I'd begun


The skulls on the fairing are scary

The flames on the tank, extraordinary

Daggers and dice

Machine guns and vice

I love your bikes paint job Aunt Mary


A poet alone on a thread

Motorbike poems unread

I'll go for a ride

And then maybe decide

To put this unread thread to bed


Feels like time for a ride

The tires, however, are fried

The exhaust comes out black

The gas tank has a crack

But it's time so I'll not be denied


Off on a ride with my wife

Away from the trouble and strife

The wind in our faces

We wouldn't trade places

With anyone, this is the life

- Contributed by YOGABIKER

And for more Road Conditions click here


Squeezin thighs

and tight shut eyes.

A twist of the grip

and head for the strip.

Front wheel in the air,

wind blowing hair.

Dressed in black leather,

in all kinds of weather,

Riding the best that he can.


- Contributed by Outrider...

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