A Conversation for Best Student Jobs


Post 1

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

Is the obvious way to go for a student because it's.......well......temporary.

Make sure to apply to as many temping agencies as you can, you can turn down assignments but just be aware that the more you turn down the less likely they are to call on you again. The reason for signing with more than one to start with is just to get a better chance at something reasonably interesting.

Temping agencies exist for all sorts of things other than office work so dont confine your self to photocopying for the whole summer. Light industrial labour is a good way to go. I worked in a Jelly Factory which was hard work but certainly a change from answering phones. I also did a lot of cleaning. To be honest it is actually preferable to sitting in a strange office and being the victim of power crazed office managers.

The worst job I ever had was working in a hospital laundry. This is a favourite starter job for agencies as it helps them see how desparate you are for work, no one sticks it for long, I managed a day. Apparently the agency record was nine days. If you get offered something like this then do it for a day or two and then claim that it is making you sick. When I did it it was particularly humid outside so in a laundry it was unbareable. The moeny is appauling for laundry work as well.

Other light industrial is normally paid the same as basic office work or in fact better than. The only way you will get more money is if you have a particular skill. People with high typing speed or proven date input skills can get more money, or web site programming can rake in a fortune if you know your stuff and fall on your feet.

If the temping agency for office work want to do a brief test on you make sure you prepare before you go. Tests for basics seem to include typing speed and windows. Therefore make sure you know all about headers, footers, paragraphs, left and right alignment, layout of letter, bold, italic, font change, font size, mail merge, insert tables, insert spread sheet, insert chart etc. You need to be able tog go straight to these things. Most tests are automated so you cant go to a menu and see if someting is there, nor can you use the help feature to guide you through even though this would be a normal thing to do when the task is one you do not do everyday and therefore get rusty at. If the typing test is automated make sure you find out waht the computer counts as errors. Some of them count everything as an error if you make a mistake like an extra space and dont remove is because nothing after that will match its record despite actually saying what it should. There is normally a pratice run first, take advantage of this.

As an office temp expect to make tea, do lots of photocopying, filing, envelope stuffing etc.

If the agency offer you a one day job like envelope stuffing all day and you have nothing else booked then you must take it. It's not that bad, set up a system to get everything in the envelope and have competitions with your self so you dont fall asleep. If you take a walkman then for godaske make sure it is appropriate to use it where you are. A lot of places it wont be acceptable.

Your first day at a new temping job it is a good idea to take a packed lunch because you have no idea what facilities are available. Also take some change like pound coind or equivilent in case you need them for locker hire etc. Ladies it is a good idea to shave your legas and take pair of strong tights just in case you have to wear a uniform. Usually you will be warned but it is best to be prepared. Also wear layered clothing. It could be freezing (air conditioned) or boiling (south facing) in your place of employment and going blue or stinking is not a good way to start. If you have a mobile phone don't forget to turn it off at work. You will not be popular if your mate asks you down the pub in the middle of something important.

Your aim as a temp is to make the people you are working for give a favourable report to the agency. The first few assignments they are likely to ask for feed back. The better you are the more likely they are to send you to nicer jobs. But dont be the person who will stick any rotten thing thrown at you, it's a difficult balence, you'll have to read between the lines.

Keep ALL the paperwork you are given.

Don't go to an agency that doesn't have an office and inivite you to go in in person to register. Make sure that someone knows where you are going and when you expect to leave until you have checked things out.

Don't accept a job until you know you can get to it.....no use expecting mum to drop you off everyday. Get hold of the local bus timetable and keep it by the phone so you can easily check. If you have transprt limitations mention it in the interview, they wont listen but they get really cross if you suddenly bring it up later.

Be ready on a short notice. Some companies ring you up and expect you to be able to go somewhere there and then. Find out if your company does this or if they have a minimum notice period for when you have to get somewhere. Also find out what you do if you are sick etc. You need to know who to contact, you agency or the work you are at.
A good excuse is always a bonus, have a few handy but dont use the same one twice. Just in case, you understand.......

Golden rules:

If you don't know ASK.
Don't lie about capabilities you will get caught.
Always express a keeness to learn.
Imply you would like to work for them again, even if it's not true.



Post 2

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

honestly! you write all that and no one even replys!


Post 3


Sorry. Will pay more attention next time. Am going to temp this summer so the information is well worth knowing.

SallyM smiley - smiley


Post 4

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

well, i suppose i could forgive you!

thans for reading.

good luck with the temping....


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