A Conversation for Best Student Jobs

You HAVE to link to this.

Post 1




You HAVE to link to this.

Post 2


I agree - working for the Queen is certainly a job that looks impressive, and the article's well written too.

Personally, I wouldn't recommend working for a fast food restaurant as the customers enjoy throwing bricks through the windows, chairs at those who work there, and trying to set the place alight isn't unusual either. In fact, working for one puts very little money in your pocket, and isn't worth it. See: A593705


You HAVE to link to this.

Post 3


One of my friends worked at the palace one summer too, she says it's not as glamourous as it sounds, just lots of annouying tourists supposedly.

You HAVE to link to this.

Post 4

Decaf Silicon

I have this odd feeling that I'd enjoy the annoying tourists.
Purely academic anyway; I'm in rural upstate New York, USA. No tourist business around my little town.

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