Home Space Graphics Challenge

1 Conversation

This Week's Winner

Congratulations to Titania who sent in this rendition of her h2g2 user name. In her words:

My unau (two-toed sloth) Ripley hanging from my name,
with an smiley - angel instead of a dot over one 'i' because
I'm an h2g2 Guardian Angel, and a smiley - huh smiley because
I'm the Muse of Confusion... ABC...

  • Amuse
  • Bemuse
  • Confuse

... but mostly I'm pretty confused myself... smiley - biggrin

There are five new graphics in the queue, but we may release two to celebrate May Day, so keep them coming in!

Home Space Graphic Challenge

This is an ongoing competition, with an opportunity for one winner each week. You are challenged to design a graphic which represents yourself in your h2g2 personna. Preference will be given to those who manage to portray their actual name, although consideration will be given to those who design with their regular sign-off name1 or affiliation2.

We would like you to come up with an innovative and colourful design which will look good in both classic goo and alabaster.The background for classic goo should be created using the hex values R00 G00 B66. Keep them to a sensible size - my mail box will refuse anything with a ridiculous amount of MB's and they may be reduced if they are too big to fit onto a page. If you are chosen, you will be able to display the graphic at your h2g2 space! So try your arm (or paint programs) and design something suitable on this theme.

Send your entries to shazz in jpeg or gif format marking the subject line as 'Graphic Competition' and including your h2g2 user name and number. If you are portraying a suffix or affiliation, please also make this clear when submitting your design. Entries should arrive no later than 1pm GMT on a Wednesday to appear in that week's edition. Entries missing this deadline will be carried forward to a later week unless deemed unsuitable. Either way you will receive a notification email in return.

25.04.02 Front Page

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1Most often seen appearing after your name.2Guardian Angel, Thingite, Ace, Programmers Corner etc.

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