Talking Point: Debt

14 Conversations

Pile of inaccessible cash

Credit has never been so easy to get. If it's not a letter inviting you to apply for a gold or platinum credit card, it's a loan application form dropping through the letter box or direct to your email account. These days we don't even have to search for credit, it finds us. We are being encouraged to borrow money, and then to borrow more money to pay off the debts we incur. Are we going to spend the rest of our lives as debtors?

Adverts are pressurising children into thinking they must have certain products. By providing these toys and games are parents teaching children that something is only worth having if it can be had instantly? Should we be encouraging them to save for what they want, so that they don't grow up to rely on other people's money?

  • With low interest rates and credit very easily available are we storing up problems for the years ahead?

  • Why aren't we happy living within our means?

  • What is the best way of handling debt problems?

  • How can we educate ourselves to save for what we want, instead of borrowing?

  • Is it easy to find help when debts become unmanagable?

  • Did you know there are certain debts that carry prison sentences if they remain unpaid?

  • How can we avoid debt in the first place?

  • Shops often offer us their store cards as we use alternative means to pay for our goods; should this be allowed?

  • Is there a way to make credit cards work for us?

Is the credit boom over?The UK's credit boomPersonal borrowing in the UKCitizens Advice Bureau Adviceguide

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