Lose Weight Mentally Without Dieting
Created | Updated Nov 23, 2005
Lose Weight Mentally Without Dieting
Or walk a mile in my Pjs...
I don't understand racial prejudice.
Particularly when it leads people of one "race" to treat
other people of that "race" with disrespect because
they don't happen to believe in trendy fashions or
bad "cultural" choices.
I don't like stereotypes.
I don't like people who make them seem true.
I don't like people who think they have to live up to them.
And I really don't like people who think that because
my parents chose to reproduce with the aid of someone
of the same color that I am a representative of
that particular shade of skin hue.
I may be caucasian, but my soul is green.
Kind of like billard felt, after having beer and cigarette
ash ground into it.
Kind of like unmown grass after a fall rain.
With a slight hint of purple down the edge.
That candy-maker's bright purple that you can almost taste
while looking at it.
You wouldn't understand.
It's a "me" thing.