RL (Real Life) and Me
Created | Updated Mar 19, 2002
RL is not much of a problem for me.
As a yoof, my head was filled with many future plans. Life offered so much potential, so many possibilities. I dreamed dozens of imagined careers and adventures. But haunted by Bob Dylan's warning words - 'know your song well, before you start singing' - I would not risk premature or pre-emptive action. Soon, nothing happened.
Reality and imagination fused. My fate was sealed with the inevitable rust that forms from lack of use and indecision . This very common condition is known today as 'options paralysis'. Too many choices, too many options.
If we fail to take aggressive action toward our ambitions and remain vicariously satisfied, and if we become otherwise pre-occupied and stimulated by fantasies of what if and if only , then RL seems to simply pass by with little effect. Life, apparently, is what happens while waiting for dreams to come true.
So, unencumbered by success, accomplishment or accumulated wealth, I am today, the same recalcitrant, ambivalent, cynical realist and yet incurably romantic idealist that I was in my sophomore years. I remain reluctant to fully partake of reality or interfere in the unfolding cosmos. Perhaps now, more-so than ever.
For I am content with the realisation that feces occur, life goes on, oo-blah-dee, oo-blah-da, ..and the great cosmic joke has new punchlines every day.
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