Profiles: Sgt. Mushroom,#1with a Gun

2 Conversations

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Access Code: smiley - smiley - A#1smiley -

Subject: Sgt. Mushroom and her cat, Cleo

Recent trophy photo: Shroom's cleo caught in a pile up. She's the blue cat at the bottom.Just press the smileys.smiley - smiley -

Pics of the Sarge IRL.Push the button to see them

A skull between two mushrooms

Recently voted No.1 on the ACF most wanted list, this duo is dangerous, indeed! Posing as a mild mannered archeology student, Sarg is in reality the friend of Cleo, the cat, who may indeed be better named Leo!smiley - .The Goddess of Blue, motorcycle fan and Danger Mouse fanatic, armed with a mystical cupboard, with its endless supply of weaponry and pinapple and ham pizza, this cat friend is a dangerous enemy!

Known to her "frenemies" as "Sarg" or, "The Shroom", Sergeant Mushroom is now known to have achieved no higher rank than that of corporal, and is merely masquerading at the higher rank.smiley -

In a recent encounter, Sarg had a narrow escape from the centerpiece of ACF weaponry, the Curiositizer. Since that time, the Shroom has been relentlessly pursued by the ACF in an increasingly futile attempt to get her to Push The Buttonyou know you want to...doesn't it look so interesting just sitting there? An elite ACF unit, Les Chiens Rouge, has been formed for this purpose, and exists solely for the day when Sgt. Mushroom caves in and pushes the lovely and irresistable Curiositizer button Just sitting there, so tempting...

Sleeping it off, Serg???? post 181

A character in the Anime and Manga style driving a car

Sarge, who denies having only one eyebrow, seems strangely resistant to hypnosis, powerful drugs and subliminal suggestion. A fan of Digimon, she has recently aquired the dreaded Gatomon. Be wary in approaching this one, dogs!

In a recent developement, our master spy, the ingenious Busterbones, once managed to kidnap Cleo, and cleverly disquised himself as that dreaded feline! Having substituted himself for Cleo, Buster risked life, limb and the family jewels for the war effort. Huzzah!

The feline in question, Cleo the cat, was being held safely in an undisclosed location. She was, of course, well treated; Mindful (and who could ever *shudder* forget) of the disaster that befell Apollo during a similar action involving Cleo during the Musehome debauchle! This little kitty was treated very nicely, indeed.
Really, Shroom! *Looks around, in case she is lurking, raises voice*
She was living like royalty! smiley - .

The Catiph, otherwise known as Sultana Mushroom, is the mastermind behind the attack on the brave Fleagonaires at the Flea Pit. She even has her own smiley, courtesy of Twinkle:

Let's all sing!!

smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley -

Busterbones has written

smiley - The Sergeant Mushroom Song

(Sung to Auld Lang Syne)from the ACF Awards:-

When doggies whine and cringe about

and woof in whispered barks

You'll probably find they're talking 'bout

the one and only Sarge

If a dog gets crushed, or shot or hurt

or sliced or diced or charred

You will find the handiwork

of the one and only Sarge!

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