Profile:sea,Not So Easily Apprehended

2 Conversations

So Easily Amused: Secret Dog File Do Not Let This Fall Into Enemy Hands! Authorized Personel Only!

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Subject: So Easily Amused (sea)

A Dangerous Kitty

Stage hands

This elusive Kitty is no.2 on the ACF's Most Wanted List. Among other titles this entity has identified herself as Goddess, S.T.U.M.P.E.D. Minion, and Mistress of all that is Dark and Evil.
Her insane and evil twin, Evilene, is deadly and invisable, with an almost psychotic disreguard for personal safety. Between the two of them, they are fearless!

Reports have surfaced concerning this person. Previously number 1 on the ACF's Most Wanted list,sea is still considered dangerous enough to make the top 5. Some of our spies claim that S.E.A. is actually a sinister collective of suited men working for the Milk Marketing Board, while other sources believe S.E.A. lives in Montanna, as a six foot, six inch tall, three hundred pound Lumber jack named Frank.

Until these reports have been confirmed we will continue to refer to sea as a university student,Seventeen feet tall and weighing close to 80 pounds, U.S., an "innocent" young lady presently studying theater, whose favorite pasttimes include playing paint ball and ordering weapons of mass distruction. Recently, in fact, during a concert that she organised at USC, sea missed a cue and messed up the spot light on stage. Was this in reality a sinister plot to nail the director's pet dog? We sincerely hope not!

It has recently been revealed that ancient Bastet worship is responsible for the evolution of the Alabastard Curse that plagues all of H2G2. Red Dog reveals all in the Twin Towers thread, including the Cats' diabolical plot to wreak havok on mankind, and the dastardly plot to impersonate Mark Moxon,by sea. She has been captured by our leader, who encased sea in an exoskeleton, but the summoning of Eviline and the machinations of Serg. Mushroom have since effected her release.

A cat with a ball in its mouth.

Recently seen eating tuna that was not dolphin safe, sea's u space is now boycotted by Flipper. Owls fear her. Do not be fooled by her innocent appearance! The owls know what they are doing!

Known to be a member of the Sorority house Phi Beta Kappa Spira Klinker Beta Mu. Was inducted during a drunken frat party.Apparently the only one sober at this function, she was also voted "Keg Queen" and "The Girl Most Likely to Drive Us All Home".

The formation of the group known as the S.ea P.rotection A.gency
(Or Spa M.inions) suggests some kind of weakness in this goddess' fighting skills. The SPA are not active in most threads, confining themselves to attacks on the S.ociety to T.ease A.nd T.orment S.ea, the Dog House's response to S.P.A. However, their zealous assaults apon innocent S.T.A.T.S. members suggest that their hearts are in the right place. Perhaps they avoid the Dog threads out of some Phobic response to our noble warriors.

Further ACF Intelligence (No, kitties, that's not an oxymoron)
Informs us that sea has a weakness for "Cute" guys. This might be exploited by the dogs, if we could ever find such a specimen. For some strange reason, sea appears, while not intirely immune to our resident heart-throb, Apollo, at least not sufficiently responsive.smiley - He's working on it.

Sporting numerous tatoos, (some of them even spelled right,) this adversary is a dangerous addition to the Cat house. Use caution when approaching her. In her Bastet form, is nearly invincable.Use utmost caution when approaching this author of "The Quest", as you may find yourself scewered in her weekly adventure.

At the beginning of the Dog/Cat Wars, this adversary stole our much beloved and sorely missed Tiger Skin Trophy Rug from the Dog House and hid it in an unknown location. Since that tearful day this feline has been relentlessly persued by the ACF, in hopes of retrieving it. Perhaps one day we will again see our beloved rug, but at this point, it is doubtful.smiley -

Recently an attempt to vampirize this kitty has been made by Ice Raven. We are not aware of any dark powers she may have gained out of this encounter, but we are watching.

Her powers include the use of fire as weapons, and the ability to read Tarot cards, with which she can foretell your doom!

Warning:soeasilycloned, a strange hybrid of sea and Admiral Redfish, created in the ACF Cloning Vat, has resurfaced. Approach with caution, as this kitty is unpredictable, and armed with sea's powers.

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