A Conversation for David and Leigh Eddings - Authors
simongp Started conversation Dec 16, 2003
I would just like to express my gratitude to David & Leigh Eddings for creating the Belgariad and the Mallorean . I still remember the day when I saw the first book of the Mallorean in the bookshop and realised that the adventure wasn't over
. Well, 12 years on or whatever it is I have moved away from reading fantasy a bit, but I had an attack of nostalgia when I saw The Redemption of Althalus in the library and decided to give it a go. Unfortunately, I found there were far to many similarities between the new book and the old ones and there seemed to be something missing in the description of the world that meant I didn't get immersed and I was left feeling cold. I didn't even finish the book, which is something I have never done before.
Oh well, thank you for the memories...
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