Make A Name Badge for the Party!

4 Conversations

Making a Sculpted Badge?

Are you coming to the h2g2 Winter Party 2002? Would you like to win a coverted h2g2 T shirt?
Then enter the h2g2 Name Badge competition!

We're giving a prize to the person who creates and wears the most artistic badge that conveys their own h2g2 user name. You don't have to use wording necessarily, but for some Researchers that might be easier than for others.1


If you're coming to the party we'd really appreciate it if you try to create your own highly attractive badge, otherwise we'll try to stick one of our nasty self-adhesive white ones on you! We totally agree that name-badges suck, but it does make it much easier for newcomers to h2g2 to identify their friends and for people to mix and meet others. So please wear one, however daft! 3
1Coelocanth will find this bit easy!2S'pe;lug:x // might find this a bit more tricky!3Yes, the italics are going to make their own badges too smiley - silly.

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