360 - Changing the World by Degrees

3 Conversations

Your help needed!

Hidden in a corner of h2g2 is its new baby: a brand new website currently being put together by a team led by Douglas Adams' colleague Richard Creasey - one of the founders of h2g2. And we need your help.

The name of the new site is '360 - Changing the World by Degrees' and it will be launched in the new year. The brief is Kofi Annan's four goals for the United Nations - the eradication of poverty, disease and conflict and protecting the environment.

A rather large challenge, you may think! - but what a wonderful goal and something that we think Douglas would have been behind 100%. We are being backed by the United Nations Environment Programme and the UN Educational Forum so they think we're on to a good thing.

What '360' will do is to highlight what people are already doing for good throughout the world. We are seeking out under-reported stories about people and organisations which are doing their bit - whether it's relief work in Afghanistan or baking cakes to raise cash for a good cause. Those stories can be entered onto the finished web-site on their own or with photographs or even video footage of the project. The best will go forward to become television documentaries or radio programmes; others will inspire press coverage. At the very least, 360 will be building a world-wide community which focuses on hope and inspiration.

It's also a chance for people who want to, to 'learn on the job' how to be a journalist or professional researcher because the site will also become a resource for BBC TV and radio programmes.

So... how does 360 need your help? If you know of ANYTHING good going on... or about to go on... or which has gone on... ANYWHERE then please let the team know. The way to do that is to log onto the 'set-up' of the site, which can be accessed here.

You can then select one of the four areas or the 'Become a 360 Researcher' box and tell us your story - large or small, local or international. It doesn't matter if you've only got sketchy details, we can follow it up for you if necessary - or advise you on how to expand it yourself. We may, later on, ask you to send us some video footage - or even send out a TV camera crew.

Even if you can't think of any projects, please log on anyway and post your views on what we are doing so far. Let us know whatever you think we can add... and help us to make this a wonderful site.


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13.12.01. Front Page

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