A Conversation for The White Stripes - the Band
White Stripes gigs
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Started conversation Dec 8, 2005
They were excellent when I saw them in Glasgow a couple of weeks ago! It's fairly clear from their interraction and mutual empathy that they're *not* brother and sister! These are people who've had a lot of sex together in the past!
The highlight was an empassioned performance of 'Death Letter'. It's worth mentioning that this is a cover of a song by Eddie 'Son' House, one of the prototypical Delta blues player. Much of their inspiration seems to come from indigenous American musical forms - some bluegrass, but mainly blues. They're damned close to the roots and spirit of blues, I reckon and faithful to its form. I suppose that, for similar reasons, a Led Zep comparison is inevitable.
For a great gig, streamed online, go to:
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White Stripes gigs
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