2005 Hallowe'en Meet: The Log

1 Conversation

The following events took place in Edinburgh on October 29th 2005.

1311smiley - spaceZagreb catches fords kicking the parking meter outside the pub.
1315smiley - spaceThe gang convenes in the Standing Order.
1325smiley - spaceAfter trying to stare people out to make them give up their seats, we're still standing. One woman engages fords in a game of stareout.
1330smiley - spaceEV gives up and heads for the bar.
1335smiley - spaceKu'Reshtin turns up and steals a chair from an old man.
1348smiley - spaceEV finally returns from the bar.
1400smiley - spaceWolf baiting.
1402smiley - spacefords leaves to collect Mina and her mystery guest.
1406smiley - spaceDD and FC turn up. Game ruined.
1408smiley - spacePolitics breaks out.
1410smiley - spaceSwedish cider prompts discussion of Swedish equivalent of The Wurzels.
1417smiley - spaceJamie arrives and immediately heads for the bar.
1426smiley - spaceMusical chairs without music.
1435smiley - spaceKu' produces beef jerky while waiting for food to arrive.
1437smiley - spaceAmerican politics breaks out.
1442smiley - spaceNutritional value of beef jerky discussed.
1502smiley - spaceInferior surf & turf arrives and is eaten by EV and Ku' against their will.
1530smiley - spacefords returns with Mina and mystery guest.
1550smiley - spaceMore bitching about the quality of the surf & turf from earlier.
1600smiley - spaceVaried discussion about women running around with almost no clothes; file sharing; 10 meg broadband and the non-existance of benefits.
1615smiley - spacefords and EV lose power of coherent speech and dissolve into repeated cries of "Your mother."
1623smiley - spaceMina mentions Swedish porn and Ann Summers catalogue.
1625smiley - spacefords' waffle finally turns up, half an hour late.
1637smiley - spaceAdvance party heads to Royal Mile by car, picking up a parking ticket in the process.
1642smiley - spaceKu' thinks people are winning from the cigarette machine.
1652smiley - spaceRear guard leaves pub.
1708smiley - spaceGroup meets up again.
1720smiley - spaceFinally decide on pub "The Tron" after much discussion about hills.
1730smiley - spaceZagreb adopts Bruce Forsyth position.
1731smiley - spacefords adopts Edwyn Collins position1.
1732smiley - spaceMina tries to put her hair up and strangely succeeds.
1734smiley - spaceZagreb orders a coffee. Howls of derision, etc.
1736smiley - spacefords and EV have a screaming match. fords wins.
1745smiley - spaceDD suggests that fords and EV buy the BP refinery and turn it into a distillery.
1747smiley - spaceDD won't kiss EV's babies.
1750smiley - spaceGroup heads off for spooky tour, except Zagreb who hangs around the pub.
1922smiley - spaceSpooky tour over, the gang convenes in some pub underneath Edinburgh.
1935smiley - spaceGood old debate about ghosties, ghouls2 and general weird stuff.
1945smiley - spaceWeird bloke comes over demanding "Time!" In the absence of the words "Gentlemen please", we drink on.
1954smiley - spaceFC's bro dated Cowface.
1955smiley - spaceCowface kills conversation.
1959smiley - spaceMina opens suspicious packet found in Ku's beef jerky.
2000smiley - spaceMina empties packet into not-quite-empty glass. "Poisonous gloop must taste better than Magners."
2005smiley - spacePoultrygeist carries Jamie off, leaving behind chicken scraps for Master B to lick.
2011smiley - spaceEV is confused by writing on both sides of paper.
2030smiley - spaceThe group invades an unsuspecting branch of Dave Hut.
2103smiley - spaceKu' says he has no time for Hootoo anymore.
2103.005smiley - spaceKu' bursts out laughing.
2110smiley - spaceMort arrives and discusses mobile phones with fords which turns into Monty Python conversation.
2140smiley - spaceMort is upset that no-one had a game about what time she would turn up. smiley - cross
2145smiley - spaceOffers of dessert are declined as various researchers are worried about a Mr Creosote moment.
2200smiley - spaceFC's bro arrives. He is astonishingly drunk.
2206smiley - spaceMort calls us all a bunch of b*stards - again - then tries to give us money.
2209smiley - spaceFC's bro miraculously passes the "How many fingers am I holding up?" test.
2215smiley - spaceMort, fords and EV discuss football - especially Hibs beating Hearts.
2218smiley - spacefords decides that if everyone else is having pudding she wants one too. What, no Fundoos left?!
2226smiley - spaceJamie and EV get fed up and go to find a pub, accompanied by Mort and Zagreb.
2240smiley - spaceMort latches on to a nice young man called Jordan3 who lets us sit at his table.
2245smiley - spaceThe others turn up at the pub.
2250smiley - spaceMort and Jordan do the "Hibee bounce".
2255smiley - spaceMort manages to send Jordan on his way with a wink from his friend.
2256smiley - spaceFC's bro (only slightly drunk) has an in-depth conversation with a fellow drunk bloke.
2300smiley - spaceScottish Parliament building derided, even if it did win the RIBA Stirling prize.
2303smiley - spaceSomething about bread, butter and burning.
2320smiley - spaceKu' and Jamie depart for the last train home.
2323smiley - spaceFC and DD leave with younger brother who can't hold his drink.
2330smiley - spacefords escorts Mort to the ladies'.
2331smiley - spaceZagreb says "homo-erotic" for undetermined reasons.
2239smiley - spaceEV takes photographic record of drink of unknown origin.
2340smiley - spacefords and Mort return. (Ten minutes?)
2342smiley - spaceMort challenges Mina to a Scottish spelling bee.
0000smiley - spaceLog runs out. Researchers disappear into the night.

1This, of couse, involves drinking orange juice.2But not goolies.3Not the one who married Peter Andre.

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