A Conversation for Cockney Rhyming Slang

Cockney Ryhming slang

Post 1

Paul the Brake

Has anybody metioned Richard the Therd or Tom Tit? means S**T
Ive just got to go for a Richard. Please notice correction to last one I posted. Richard the Third =turd, I'm a bit brams at the moment

Cockney Ryhming slang

Post 2

Bob The Frog

Surely the one that is most often used in all innocence, but with the WORST origin is the favourite of BBC Sitcoms :Berk. Originally 'Berkeley Hunt' its meaning appears to have been somewhat diluted over the years. Any way, I can't stay here, I'm off for a drive in my new kipper (and bloater - Motor).

Keep the faith.

Cockney Ryhming slang

Post 3


"Mines a pint." meaning; pint-glass, Arse.
or "Bicyce pedal". pedal and crank(er), Wanker.

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