The Goonies

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When one thinks back about the films of the "big"
eighties (big hair, big mouths, and big clothes), no
theme was covered in such a painstaking, mind-numbing
fashion as that of a teenager's transition from being
a child to becoming an adult. Many movies, such as
'Pretty in Pink', 'The Breakfast Club', 'Saint Elmo's Fire',
'Weird Science', 'The Babysitter's Club'
, etc, were aimed
at late teenagers with a yearn to own their own
automobile, be popular in high school, and go out with
the hottest guy (or girl) in a five block radius; only
a few movies focused on young teens, which is what
makes 'The Goonies' practically unique.

A Steven Spielberg film, 'The Goonies' (released
1985) focuses on a group of misfit teens who are about
to lose their homes (built on Goondocks) due to the
local country club buying their land out from under
them. The movie opens the day before the goonies have
to move out from their homes, leaving one day left to
have an adventure and say goodbye to their friends.
One thing leads to another and the group stumbles
across a treasure map leading to the legendary stash
of local pirate, One Man Willy, and decide to follow
the map to the treasure. The group follows the map to
an abandoned restaurant which has, unbeknownst to the
group, been converted to a hideout of a crime family,
the Fratelli's. The Fratelli's include Mama Fratelli
and her three sons, one of which was dropped on his
head a few times as a baby (no, really.) and thus
dubbed Sloth (brain damage, facial defects). Soon
enough the goonies stumble upon the gang and
subsequently onto the path of the gold. Various
pit-traps and adventures ensue, drawing the odd group
even closer together and foiling the plans of the

The pace of the movie draws you into the story of
these seven youths, as well as their endearing
personalities, mainly an insecure asthmatic, a big
brother, an erratic and eclectic inventor, a mouth, a
punk, a cheerleader, and a chunky over-eater. While
the movie is juvenile at times (what else can be
expected?), the movie is very effective in stimulating
a sense of acceptance, of others, and intrigue (it is
a movie!). Even if you don't have children, or missed
this the first time round, The Goonies is definitely
worth a watch (it was just re-released on VHS and
DVD's. The DVD contains commentary from the cast and
director, as well as cut scenes and a music video
(Cyndi Lauper's The Goonies R' Enough).

For more information on the cast (which includes
Anne Ramsey, of 'Throw Momma from the Train' fame) and
plot, go to the


18.10.01. Front Page

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