A Life on the Ocean Wave: Earache
Created | Updated Mar 7, 2010

Hello. My name is Emma and I go on cruises. Mostly, so far on P&O ships out of Southampton, but other perfectly good cruise companies are available. ;-) When I can, I con my parents into paying for my ticket.
When I travel, I blog. If you would like to read it all, it can be found at my PS. The Post have asked me to proffer some edited highlights of my ramblings, which I shall now inflict on you forthwith. Enjoy.
Earache. Not more loud Egyptian musicians, or norovirus hand-washing nagging, but actual bona fide physical earache. I think I have a mosquito bite in my left ear. It's agony. I've been given antibiotic drops and am knocking back the ibuprofen, but although the pain subsides, that just means I get to sleep all day as the pain keeps me awake at night. Every time I turn over onto my left side, the pain wakes me up. In the past two days all I have done is eat and go to Spanish class. The rest was all sleep. I did manage to kill her last night, so hopefully, I'll have no fresh bites tomorrow. She ate well before she died, though. I have bites on my toes, calves, thighs, fingers, shoulders and arms. All on my right side, now I come to think about it, so how she got to my left ear, I have no idea.
As regards the sleep, though, it doesn't help that the clocks keep going forward, so the nights get shorter and shorter! Twice in two nights isn't fair, frankly. Seems a bit harsh to me. My body clock doesn't know which way is up.
We've finally got a decent internet satellite signal (and BBC World is back, although CNN remains elusive), so I've been catching up with some of my friends' news from home and several seem to be having a particularly rubbish time at the moment. I feel bad that I can't log on more often or be of more help. All I can do is send virtual hugs, which feels a bit lacking, when they're facing job loss, health problems, bereavement and mistreatment at work.
No pirates, so far...
I've cut my fringe too short. Which is annoying. Particularly as there is no one else to blame but myself! At least if the hairdresser had done it, I could have a moan!
Weather forecast for Salalah tomorrow: 24 - 26 degrees (depending on which TV station you watch!). My sun cream seems to have curdled somewhat. It now has the consistency of cottage cheese! Still seems to work, though, oddly enough...
It's a formal night, tonight, with the Black and White Ball. I think I've put on a bit of weight. The Twiggy dress is definitely significantly more snug than it was when I first tried it on at the end of December... oops... less crisps, more salad, methinks. Sigh. It's no fun, you know, being this beautiful. Sigh.
As regards the sleeping and the ear thing, I managed to sleep through Spanish today. So my entire activity of the day has been eating and sleeping. Nothing else at all. On the plus side, it doesn't hurt as much as it did yesterday, but it's still quite swollen and sore. Hopefully another day or so should finally knock it on the head and I can get a decent night's sleep and get my days back! Mind you, as we are currently in the Gulf of Aden (pirate waters, arrrr), we're not allowed out on the Prom deck (Deck 7), so I couldn't walk my mile, even if I did have the energy. Which I don't, so it's all moot, frankly.
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