A Conversation for How to Make a Pagan Ritual Altar
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Kaz Started conversation Nov 1, 2001
Hi Crescent
just noticed on the Air in the East section, in the last sentence, I mentioned God i the singular, which is probably not appropriate, as there are many Gods!
Hey :)
Crescent Posted Nov 9, 2001
Sorry it has taken a wee bitty to get around to this, work has been mad I am just about to start it now
Well, until later....
BCNU - Crescent
Hey :)
Crescent Posted Nov 16, 2001
It is not finished yet, but tell me what you think so far....
BCNU - Crescent
Hey :)
Kaz Posted Nov 16, 2001
Very sorry, hope what I've done does not reflect badly on you. It is the system at fault, not you.
I gather this is not a subject, you know a lot about, therefore how could you know.
Hey :)
Crescent Posted Nov 19, 2001
Doesn't bother me, but what have I done wrong to it? Until later....
BCNU - Crescent
Hey :)
Kaz Posted Nov 19, 2001
I started writing down the points, but I realised there were too many. Its a complete re-write, you have turned suggestions into rules, you always refer to the Gods in singular and the Goddesses in plural - one or the other. Ancient elements, what does that phrase mean?
If this goes ahead, I will request that my name is removed from it, cause magic and ritual are important. If something goes wrong, I do not want to be blamed just because all my suggestions have been rewritten as rules.
Most spiritual beliefs have their 'holy' books, paganism has no books. Other then what practitioners write, I do not believe there is a place for a non-practitioner to re-write an established belief system. In my view this article has no meaning anymore and could even be dangerous.
Hey :)
Crescent Posted Nov 20, 2001
Thanks for coming back to me with that and I see, I will get started on draft 2. That is why I asked for feedback. Though I do not think I have made any hard and fast rules here, I thought I kept it well ambiguous ('Many people feel...', or 'some people choose to...', 'a practitioner may...', 'Normally such and such...', 'Usually thingamebob...' etc.). There is no reference to any plural of Goddess, there is a single reference to a plural for God. The 'ancient elements' phrase means that people hundreds of years ago thought of them (water, fire etc.) as elements, but an element is something different now.
I would like to see that list of points, it would help me on the 2nd draft. I am a non-practitioner now, but I used to practise it, though a different flavour (I have no time to purify and set up the rituals now, what with work and all ). Until later....
BCNU - Crescent
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