Greebo's Big One

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Hello everyone, are you all sitting comfortably? Good, then let me tell you a story...

Once upon a time there was a column in a rather splendid online newspaper called The Post. This column was written by a rather splendid feline called Greebo, it was called, 'Just For Fun'.

This rather splendid column was a regular in the online newspaper, but one day it disapeared, and never returned. Instead in its place was born a new article, called... Greebo's Big One. This is its first publication, I hope you enjoy it...

Welcome to Greebo's Big One...

Would you like your say on the big issues of the day? Well here's your chance, click below to get transported to Greebo's voting booth, were you can answer the question of the week.

Results will be printed in two weeks time.



HOW MANY H2G2 RESEARCHERS DOES IT TAKE TO CHANGE A LIGHT BULB? This was the question asked a few weeks ago, and below is the results of the voting...

  • Half of all researchers, thats 50%, decided that NONE was the one to vote for, and they reckoned a meeting should be called to see if the light bulb really wanted to change.

  • 21% of researchers thought that ONE person should change it, and then when he/she had done it, everyone will think that the last light bulb was so much better.

  • 14% of all reseachers thought that, TWO researchers should do it. One to actually change the light bulb and one to scratch their bum...

  • 7% of researchers thought the answer is SIX. One to force it with a hammer and five others to go out and get more bulbs.

  • A further 7% of H2G2 researcher believed NINE was the answer... one to climb the ladder and eight to stand around grumbling that it should be them up there.

  • 1% of researchers didn't understand the question and went out and got a quick beer instead!!!

Well this was an exciting vote, and as it turned out most researchers voted for none!!! What a great result, I couldn't have guessed how this one was going to turn out if one if my lives depended on it.

Thankyou all once again for taking part in the voting, without you this page would not be possible...

Send your letters and anything else to me here:- Greebo T. Cat

Thanks again everyone...


30.08.01. Front Page

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