A Conversation for Scotch Whisky

The Lincoln whisky shop

Post 1

Wand'rin star

is at the top of Steep Hill in (surprisingly) Lincoln. Huge stock including some very rare things. I went in to buy summat special for my son Duncan Jones' 21st birthday.
"Would you have a 21 year old single malt with the name Duncan associated with it?"
(quick as a flash)"No, but I've got a Macbeth". I settled for a Bruichladdich (sp?)Wonderful stuff and it hooked me something even more expensive for my 55th birthday smiley - star

The Lincoln whisky shop

Post 2


I know the place as my mum lives in Lincolnshire & I went there. It doesn't just sell whisky. We bought a selection of minatures to taste of gin and rum.

There is also a whiskly shop in Greek Street in London whose name escapes me right now. They've got a bar in the shop now I've been told so no more free tasters I expect.

Hope you enjoyed the whisky. A trip to a distillery is also good fun. I did one in Scotland, it was the Glenfiddich distillery only because it was close to where we were staying. We got a dram free and the tour was completely free as well. The prices of the whisky in the shop wasn't any cheaper though. Good fun all the same. smiley - smiley

The Lincoln whisky shop

Post 3


The shop in Greek street'd be Wallace Milroys... if memory serves me right he not only sells whisky in the shop, he exports it and has it bottled under his own labels as well... There's a pretty big business behind the shop.

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