We Want Our Classic Cartoons Back!!!

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Old Cartoons (circa 1980-94) are better than their modern day counter-parts.

While there are exceptions from this rule, this is the guiding statement of this club.

As many people know, cartoons are the staple diet of any young person in the time before, and including, their early teens.

As equally as many people know, cartoons are the staple diet of students between the ages of 18 and 25.

Being a member of either group at any stage of your life qualifies you to be a member of this society. We believe it is about time that cartoons are made the way that we remember them - with a story and everything.

The most heinous crime in history has taken place in the field of cartoons. Anyone who switches on the TV at roughly 4 o' clock will no doubt have seen a programme called "Gadget Boy". It is evil and must be stopped before children consider it original. "Inspector Gadget" was and still is the far superior programme. "Gadget Boy" has taken the voices from "Inspector Gadget" and forgetton to take the gripping script, realistic location and, most of all, the comedy.

Other examples of cartoons that need to be brought back to our screens are -

DangerMouse (We are soon to be affiliated to the Bring Back Dangermouse Society)

Ulysees (The gods of Olympus are angry)

Thundercats (Thundercats, ho)

Transformers (Optimus Prime, what a hero!)

Centurians (Just found my old centurians annual)

Jase and the Wheeled Warriors (6 o' clock on a Sunday morning)

Count Duckula (Tomato Ketchup)

TerrorHawks (Have I spelt that right?)

These are but a few examples. More will be added if people contribute why they should be brought back.

Simply post your name and your favourite cartoon into the conversation section and you too can be added to the list of people who are using their voice for the greater good!!

The club itself began in earnest on 27/07/2001.

Together, we can give our children a future.............of great quality cartoons!!!!

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