The Giant Jump

5 Conversations

Your chance to make the earth move, or even rock!

Following on from the report of Tomorrows World live event, as promised the POST brings you news of the Giant Jump.

Science Year launches in the UK on the 7th September 2001. This begins 12 months of fun, scientifically relevant local and national events, intended to raise the awareness of science as a subject to study at post 16 level, or even to consider as a career. One aim is to get more people to consider training as science teachers, as there is a national shortage. The particular target for most of the events, therefore, is young people between the ages of 10 and 19. However, the year is intended to make stronger bonds between schools and industry, and the organisers are actively seeking involvement from the larger community. That's where we come in!

In order to mark the start of the year, the organisers want to try and create a measurable tremor on the UK's national network of earthquake monitoring sensors. If it works, then it will be a world record, and if you are in the UK at the time, you too could take part.

In order to attempt this, the organisers want to get everyone in the country to jump simultaneously up and down for 60 seconds in an open place. Obviously if the attempt is successful, it needs as many people as possible! Many of the jumps will take place in school playgrounds, and will be organised by teachers, so the first step to joining in would be to contact your local school and see if they are planning to participate. If not, why not suggest it! Almost 3000 schools and organisations are registered already, and the number rises daily. Perhaps you could organise something at your place of work or with a group of friends. Register the number of participants on the website to be included in the final count for the record books.

Regardless of the weather, the event must take place outside. The organisers suggest that on the morning of the 7th September, groups assemble at 10.30 - 10.45 and begin a series of warm up exercises. At 11am sharp, everyone should jump up and down for 60 seconds.

The results will be put up on the Science year website, as they happen, but you can even build your own simple seismometer to detect vibrations using a cardboard box and some string. Sticky backed plastic and used yoghurt pots might be useful too!

To get more information, register your group and see the countdown clock for the Giant Jump check out the Science Year website

If you can't take part in the Giant Jump, look out for some of the other events.


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