A Conversation for Swimming Pool Lifeguards
A very timely entry! Where can I learn?
Muqtadee Started conversation Sep 26, 2001
What a pleasant conicidence! Just this week I have been browsing the net, trying to find out more about how to get a lifeguard qualification and, ultimately, train others. I live in London, and I have a special reason for wanting to train.
Can you be of assistance?
Probably best...
The Apprentice Posted Sep 26, 2001
...to try a search engine, preferably tuned to the UK, and search for National Pool Lifeguard Qualification or NPLQ and drop in London as a search criteria too. There seem to be plenty of universities offering the NPLQ - otherwise, you would best contact the Royal Life Saving Society at their web site and see if they can offer any advice on local training.
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A very timely entry! Where can I learn?
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