The Post's Big Bandwagon
Created | Updated Jul 11, 2003

The Post has been toying with the idea of running an interesting experiment for some time now. This week we unveil the plans and give you a chance to sign up!
First of all will everybody please realise that this is for fun.
We're doing this as a sort of experiment to see how our virtual lives reflect our real ones. Not as a cheesey rip off to boost readership.
The Rules
Only one personality from each person may enter. And only the main one at that.
Anyone incarcerated as a Resident agrees to post only to the Bandwagon forums, but not the Surrounds. No posting elsewhere during your stay.
Residents are, however, encouraged and expected to maintain their Journals during their stay.
Only Residents may post in the Big Bandwagon forums.
Non-Residents should reserve their comments for the Surrounds.
Any Resident who resorts to blatant insults, snide remarks or anything else that seems to be petty bickering will be automatically asked to leave the Bandwagon forums.
Each week a number of Residents will be voted out of the Bandwagon forums. The number to be voted off will be determined by the number of victims... oops... volunteers who sign up. That is, if 15 sign up, then 5 each week will be voted off the first two weeks and 3 the following week, leaving the final two to battle it out! If 12 sign up, then 3 will be voted out each week, leaving 3 for the final reckoning. If only two people are brave enough to take on this challenge, then it will be a pretty short experiment!- The identity of these Residents will be decided by the readers. The readers will be asked to base their voting on the participation and content of the Bandwagon forums and the user Journals.
The evictees will be announced each week in the Post. The results of the vote will also be published. There is no arguing with the decision unless you've got a good point.
If these rules are blatantly disregarded and there seems no way to return to the general running of this exercise, then the whole project will be stopped and the blame laid at the door of the individual who caused it.
How to Participate.
You should visit the sign-up thread to be considered for entry into the Big Bandwagon House. We are creating the rooms and the surrounds and, once locked in there, remember that the hardest part will be not posting anywhere else on h2g2 except your personal journal. Bearing this in mind, it is perhaps not advisable for any of the wonderful volunteer members to join, unless they receive dispensation from their team leader!
It is to be hoped that you will try to interact with other participants and not just remark 'Got up, showered, had breakfast, wrote journal, ate dinner, ate supper, went to bed' !
At least one task will be set each week which should be completed before the voting for that week starts.
The voting forms will be set up and run by Pastey and the results will remain hidden to all1 until the publication of The Post. He will remain totally impartial and will only intervene if the rules are broken.
Researchers who prefer to watch from the sidelines are welcome to join in the fora set up for the surrounds. Obviously those trapped on The Bandwagon will be able to see the postings, so it is hoped that the spectators won't actually indicate which way their vote will be cast.