A Conversation for A Short Guide to Hostelling

St Petersburg International Hostel

Post 1

The Researcher formerly known as 127355

Does anyone know anything about the International Hostel in St Petersburg, Russia? I'm thinking of going there soon and would be interesting in any info about the place.


St Petersburg International Hostel

Post 2

Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas"

Hey there!

Check out this website

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This is the hostel in St. Petersburgs booking homepage... You can even book it through there wherever you are in the world.... smiley - smiley

Hope it helps and have a nice trip there!


St Petersburg International Hostel

Post 3

Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas"

Hey there!

Check out this website

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This is the Hostelling Internationals website where you can click yourself into the International Hostel in St. Petersburg... You can even book it through there wherever you are in the world.... smiley - smiley

Hope it helps and have a nice trip there!


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