A Conversation for The Word 'Like'

Like, what are you talking about?

Post 1


Yet another intance of like, uh, American bashing. Like, that is sooooo totally rude, dude!

Like, what are you talking about?

Post 2


Well, well, well, I was waiting for someone to get offended by this and within a matter of minutes here it is.

Firstly, any critical reference to American contributions to English is quickly followed by an equal criticism of the rest of us to adopt it...a very evenly spread criticism of all of us.

Secondly I have not neglected to give credit in my messages to where America has introduced positive changes to the language.

Thirdly, if you read the introduction to these conversations you might agree that it is far more vocal in it's criticism then any of my contributions. In the introductions about ab-usage, the development of the use of like and its spread to other countries is called "alarming", Beverly Hills is blamed as the place where it all started, and unconfident teenagers unable to express concrete opinions are said to have adopted the "bad habit", spread through American media, a "plague" that now threatens to infest the rest of us.

Whether you agree or disagree with this statement, as an introduction it sets the tone for a conversation that i believe my messages fits perfectly and fairly into. Your defensive response is misdirected.

I signed on to the conversation forum having read and agreed with the rules of not using it for "trolling". If i wanted to bash Americans there are plenty of other sites that would allow that.

May i suggest in future to you and to anyone else that may be offended by my earlier comments to actually READ the conversation contributions, and THINK before replying, and perhaps keep the conversation relevant to the subject matter, also a rule when signing on to the conversation forum.

Cheers to you all!

Like, what are you talking about?

Post 3


Remember those scary days when 'thou' and 'hast' went out? That was when language *really* started to fall apart... smiley - winkeye

Like, what are you talking about?

Post 4


To borrow a phrase from a pal of mine on the guide, Colonel Sellers, this is a perfect example of "sar-chasm": the gulf between the sarcastic (and hence, NOT serious) remark and the person who did not understand it. Lighten up, Spanky or Spunky or whomever you are.

Like, what are you talking about?

Post 5


Spikee, you seem rather rough and ready to discuss the differences between "US" and "English" english, and the pitfalls brought about by the wide acceptance of "US" colloquialisms found in the english language as a whole... and, moreover, you seem rather quick do defend what you've said against people who *really* didn't make much criticism against you in the first place (taking into consideration what you've said).

In other words, I think you are a very silly person. You're entitled to your opinions of whatever it is you're talking about, just don't act all abashed when someone points out to you that you're bordering on offensive when you make statements such as:

"Well said, a perfect example of how inarticulate Americans are and how willingly the rest of us are prepared to follow!"


"But this and any of the other examples of Irish or UK usage of like seem more of a (unnecessary) habit and is not like the American version which is just a way of avoiding using your brain to communicate better. (And yes, the fact the we too are adopting this way of speaking does indeed mean that Americans are not the only ones guilty of primitive speech)!"


"There are many ways, good or bad, that Americans have simplified the English language." (Oh we have, have we? Yay us. It was getting rather lengthy. smiley - winkeye)

You have posted to exactly four conversations on the entirety of h2g2, and all four posts have said exactly the same thing: You really, REALLY dislike the way us Yanks use the word "like" in everyday conversation. We get it. You've made your point (without the use of any unnecessary "likes"). Thank you.

This American is not going to stoop to point out which form of english usage is "better" or what annoying colloquialisms thought up by the Irish or the English could be used to balance out this argument. I love English slang (and will use the word "pants" at any given opportunity!), and I love saying, "I am like SO not happy about going to work today!" I love working with the African Americans in my workplace and wish I could bust out slang like they do without sounding like a total honky, and I love going "back home" where everyone has a "y'all" and "reckon" for every occasion.

It's a shame that at this time and place some people still feel that they must diminish others in order to build themselves up, but I suppose you can't help what others will think. I will simply say that what might be irritating to one person is "colourful" to the next, and what a bland and boring world this would be if everyone on it communicated in exactly the same way!

Like, what are you talking about?

Post 6


Well said, Amanda. According to his own posting, Spotty was expecting someone to get offended, and thus projected his/her own anger, insecurity, and expectations onto someone else's harmless joke. Perhaps if there was some sort of mature understanding that the rest of the universe does not operate in the pattern that Sporty expects, he/she would be a lot happier. Either that, or Spunky's congenitally humorless or deliberately obtuse. In any case, let's hope the cosmic billy club of understanding and good sense strikes Sweetie sometime soon.

Like, what are you talking about?

Post 7


I like totally agree. smiley - winkeye Let's hope Swanky sees the bigger picture sometime soon!

Like, what are you talking about?

Post 8


The truth of the matter is that no-one can avoid American usage. As a case in point it is 'dumb' to think that a specific example sets the tone for the entire language (dumb is an American English word originating from the the German word for Idiot whereas the British English word is from a different root and means one who cannot/will not speak). Really this is just the latest in a long line of chanes in usage as for example with the double negative - modern usage has this as a positive statement wheras the middle english usage has it a a reinforced negative.
Happy trails kids.

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