The Acrostic Poetry Challenge

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The Acrostic Poem banner

The Acrostic Poem has been a long-standing challenge, mainly between B'Elana and PedanticBarSteward. However, we've decided to open up the idea to anyone who would like to take part, as a regular poetry challenge.

The word chosen each time is the Telegram Game's current word, so if you join in or subscribe to the telegram game you'll know as soon as it's announced. When you've completed your poem, submit it by posting to a new thread below, and we'll put the best of them together in the next issue.

Have fun!

This issue: various

'Heatwave' by Vestboy

Hello bright sun

Exhaling radio activity
Australian batters run
Towards early passivity.
When will we learn
Atless and raw
Visualises Brits dawn!
(Expect a draw)

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

'Thanks' by PedanticBarSteward

The act of being kind and polite,
Helps society manage itself aright,
As rudeness enrages and causes strife,
Not a cent does it cost for a better life,
Kindness and minding your P's and Q's,
Should be one thing that you always use.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

'Alone' by B'Elana

All around you
Love is in the air
Only the lonely
Never really
Escape despair.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

'Alone' by Vestboy

A silly old codger on Hootoo
Loved prancing about in a tutu
On Saturday night
Never had such a fright
"'Er goose wasn't one to say boo to!"

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

'Festival' by PedanticBarSteward

Feisty singing and lots of dance,
Ecstatic women, all in a trance,
Swaying and bobbing to the sound of the band,
Tempting the men who are there close at hand,
In vain they can watch, but never must touch,
Values in Islam are really too much,
As the party subsides, they all go home in vain,
Lamenting what might be - but never again.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

The Acrostic Challenge Archives


and B'Elana

12.10.09 Front Page

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