A Conversation for Quality in Business
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Steve K. Started conversation Jun 20, 2001
After many years with large US corporations, I think I've heard more about "Quality" than I want to think about. If I have to sit through another presentation by a bouncy consultant whose goal is to sell more presentations and books ... never mind.
Its a valid subject, but the thrust of most of the talk is simple emphasis - ad nauseam - on making things "better". In truth, success is a balancing act with cost, schedule and quality all requiring attention. The best summary I've seen is the slogan, "Good. Cheap. Fast. Pick Two." I've always wondered about
[URL removed by moderator]- their quality is very high, and I am a regular customer, but they have yet to make a profit.
The comic strip "Dilbert" belongs in the non-fiction section of the book store.
(Sorry, but that helped. Now I can take another presentation, if the snacks are good)
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Steve K. Posted Jun 20, 2001
Hmmm ... "URL removed by moderator"? I left out the www part ... but OK, the company is Amazon. If that gets the ax, its a company whose name evokes a women warrior, sells books on the Internet, and whose CEO Jeff Bezos (sp?) was Time Magazine's man of the year. And a man who still has not made a profit, quality and all.
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