A Conversation for Depression and College Students
Primariness and surely not Primaries of depression
phildzo Started conversation Nov 25, 2005
A time ago it was idiopathic, among quite a sum of other with the same tag, don¡¦t they call it this name with shame any more?
The shame is with the fragile vulnerability of human, learners, pre-meds, docs, researchers also the whole species. It better left untouched, yet, someone has to bring it up for economy, society, the field¡K¡K¡K..and primarily or idiopatically the species in biz again.
Just ONE OF THOSE THINGS again, my fellos!
Myriads of our ancestors thru the eternities of forever giving up autonomy atom by atom, now it¡¦s universesSsS.
Lead by a check into Lifthrasir, the desire to live, that survival in that forest of the Nor coincides with Prometheus¡¦ rock (i)n (up-hill) roll, and the version of sci-fi movie Charlton Heston found the Lady of Liberty reclining in the water.
Trouble of the world.
Without attempt to reverse it, one just cud be the accomplice of species suicide.
Go not to the overwhelming details, pick up any bit each one manages and go.
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Primariness and surely not Primaries of depression
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