A Conversation for Attack Of The Mutant Expressions

Hum and hah

Post 1


I always thought it was 'um and ah' - hem and haw seems to be much the same thing, though, so I'm not panicking yet.

Good entry smiley - ok

Hum and hah

Post 2

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - smiley Thanks.

And yes, that was a difficult one - you'd think any sort of filler noises would be correct, but it's actually considered a set expression only with those two smiley - weird

Hum and hah

Post 3

Yvonne aka india

I always used umming and ahhing when it came to indecision, so when I first heard hem and haw it sounded tremendously upper class.

Hum and hah

Post 4

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Upper class uncertainty. Why not?

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